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Și-au găsit fericirea în kilogramele în plus și au postat pe Instagram povestea transformării lor

Să facem cunoștință cu tinerele care și-au găsit fericirea după ce au luat în greutate. În timp ce milioane de femei se luptă cu kilogramele în plus și fac tot ce le stă în putere pentru a slăbi, iată că sunt și fete care își doresc o altfel de transformare.

De la 29.12.2018, 19:37
Galerie (5)
Aceste tinere și-au găsit fericirea în kilogramele în plus

Să facem cunoștință cu tinerele care și-au găsit fericirea după ce au luat în greutate. În timp ce milioane de femei se luptă cu kilogramele în plus și fac tot ce le stă în putere pentru a slăbi, iată că sunt și fete care își doresc o altfel de transformare.

Zeci de tinere au postat pe Instagram transformarea lor de la siluetele silfide la formele voluptoase, recunoscând în fața lumii că sunt mult mai fericite după ce s-au îngrășat.

Tinerele au descris experiențele pe care le-au trăit atunci când au încercat să-și mențină silueta, fie ținând diete drastice, fie mergând zeci de ore la sala de sport, și au declarat că nu mai sunt dispuse să facă astfel de sacrificii doar pentru a plăcea celor din jur.

Karina: Am crezut că dacă sunt slabă, voi avea mai mulți prieteni

Pe acelaşi subiect

"Uitându-mă în urmă la versiunea mea mai tânără, este o nebunie! Eram atât de slabă! Eram o fetiță într-o lume mică și nu vedeam imaginea de ansamblu, respectiv sănătatea mea. 

Am crezut că dacă sunt slabă, voi avea mai mulți prieteni, voi arăta mai bine în haine, băieții mă vor plăcea mai mult, bla, bla, bla. Deci, mâncam puțin și făceam sport. Văzând cele două imagini alăturate, îmi dau seama că nu m-am schimbat doar fizic, ci și psihic. În toată această transformare, am învățat atât de multe despre mine, despre afacerea mea, despre prietenii meu și, bineînțeles, despre sănătate, fitness și nutriție", scrie Karina Irby pe contul său de Instagram karinairby.

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The truth about my body... For anybody waiting to see what surgeries I’ve had done to achieve this look, keep on scrolling... OR leave your crazy comment below for my future entertainment 🍿 Welcome to Karina Vs Karina 2.0 My mindset when the left image was taken is SO insanely different when compared to now. I thought that if I was skinnier I’d have more friends, look nicer in clothes, boys would like me blah blah blah. So I ate little and went on daily long distance runs (however, I did just want to listen to my new Fallout Boy playlist🤪). The photo on the right was only taken two days ago, and seeing these images side by side is a little confronting. I haven’t just transformed physically but also mentally. During this time period I have experienced and learnt so much about myself, my business, my friends, and of course, my health, fitness and nutrition. My mindset getting into fitness wasn’t to look a certain way, it was to live a longer life. I wanted to be fitter and healthier because at the time I was not healthy. I was sickly skinny and always getting ill. I’d pretty much shot down my immune system by not eating the right foods and pushing myself with cardio. I hope everyone can find their 2.0 version. It doesn’t have to be in fitness, it could be work, lifestyle, relationships, family, personally. Whatever! Keep improving yourself daily, no one wants to be a sitting duck in their own life. ❤️ @BIKINI.BODY.BURN

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Megan: Am renunțat să mă mai torturez în fiecare zi

La rândul ei, Megan Jayne Crabbe a recunoscut că încercarea de a se menține slabă era de fapt o tortură.

"Mulți mi-au spus: «Stai, tu singură ai decis să-ți distrugi corpul?» Nu, eu doar am renunțat să mă mai torturez în fiecare zi pentru că nu corespundeam unei imagini. Iar celor care îmi spun: «Dar arătai atât de sănătos înainte», le răspund: «E amuzant, și tu păreai mult mai inteligentă înainte să-mi spui că, în opinia ta, sănătate este egal greutate și că sănătatea psihică nu este la fel de importantă».

Aș fi putut să mă înfometez și să lucrez la sală obsesiv câteva ore în fiecare zi, dar asta nu mi-ar fi adus deloc iubirea de sine. Indiferent câte kilograme aș fi slăbit, parcă rămânea ceva ce uram la mine. Acum, acesta este corpul meu și sunt fericită cu asta", scrie și Megan Jayne Crabbe pe contul de Instagram.

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"Wait so you just decided to RUIN your body?" Nah, I just stopped torturing myself every day for not fitting an image I was never supposed to be. · "But you look so much healthier to me before." That's funny, you looked so much more intelligent to me before you equated health with weight and forgot that mental health is health too. · "You could have stayed the same and loved your body, you didn't need to get fat." I could have stayed the same and spiralled back into the eating disorder that almost killed me when I was 15. I could have kept starving myself and obsessively working out for hours everyday but it never would have lead me to self love. No matter how much weight I lost there was always still something to hate. And sure, people don't NEED to gain weight to find their self love, this is just what my body needed to do to match up to my mental freedom. THIS IS MY HAPPY BODY. · "But surely you can't be happy looking like that now, I could never be happy in that body." I didn't think I could either, but as it turns out, happiness isn't a size. And I wasted far too many years believing that it was. Now I'm not going to stop letting people know that they deserve happiness exactly as they are. They deserve to live now, not 10 pounds from now. They deserve that mental freedom. So to every person reading this: I hope you get your freedom too, however it might look. I'll be cheering you on every step of the way. 💜💙💚🌈🌞 P.s. these are all comments I received on my last before/after picture, luckily for me, they just make me want to keep going even more 👊

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Și exemplele pot continua:

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A little flashback Friday action for you. This caption will be long and won't fit, so if you'd like to read please find the rest in the comment section....The left side was me at the start of the peak of my career. My first proper fashion week where I was actually the size I needed to be. I was booking amazing shows that one never thinks they actually could, walking with girls who I once looked up to, it was a serious adrenaline rush...but after fainting one night in my apt whilst preparing one of my very low cal meals (I think it was 20 pieces of steamed edamame if I remember correctly), I called it quits with the diet and workout regime I was put on and decided I could do it on my own. I thought to myself, I can still be this thin, but I'll just eat a little more so I don't feel so horrible. Well, eating a little more turned into eating nearly a bag full of almonds, which then turned into eating full size meals, which then turned into a full blown binge. I was craving every single food you could imagine and I was giving in to every craving even though I knew this was such an important time in my career. I made it through NYFW okay, no one had noticed any weight gain, but by the time I had gotten the LFW I could see the pounds starting to show both in the mirror and on the measuring tape, but I kept quiet obviously not wanting to sabotage myself. I found myself going to the grocery store and picking up raw vegetables to try and make up for the near two week binge I had in NY, but I didn't see any weight coming off no matter how "healthy" I was eating and no matter how many workouts I fit in. MFW came and I knew I was bigger and by bigger I mean a 35.5in hip rather than the 34.5in hip I started with in NY, I played it cool and just pretended everything was normal. I did end up booking shows, Dolce & Gabbana being one of them. Which I afterwards received online criticism about my thighs looking fat...Anyways PFW came about, and I found it impossible to resist those chocolate croissants 🙊 I went on many a casting with one exclusive option being on my schedule, but after meeting the client I knew the reason for me not nailing the gig, my size...

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Lately I've received a number of messages around weightloss advice and questions about which diet I followed for Miss South Africa. I want to give you honest feedback: I never followed a specific diet, but I made drastic lifestyle changes and literally trained my butt off. The picture on the left was after 5 months of intense training and absolutely NO carbs, red meat or alcohol. Chocolates, cake and sweets were swear words! I trained 2 to 3 hours a day and I even worked cardio sessions in over weekends. My boobs shrunk 2 cup sizes and my period stopped. On this specific day of the picture, I got home, freezing after the shoot, and I had a baby apple for dinner. From the picture on the right, more than a year later, I want to say, it's NOT worth it to fight a daily battle with food or your body. Bodies are different, we can't all look the same. Instead of having #bikinibody unrealistic-nonsense-goals that are being spoonfed to us on a daily basis, strive towards being the healthiest and happiest version of yourself (mentally and physically). Don't fight against something that is part of who you are. Self acceptance is a relationship that you have to work on daily. Be sure to make your body your new best friend. Light and love! #bodypositive #bodypositivity #bodyconfidence #loveyourbody #dietculture #unrealisticgoals #bebodyaware #healthnotsize #beautybeyondsize #droptheplus #everybodyisbeautiful #swimwear #bikini #curves #iamallwoman

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Body builder to body lover. This isn't your typical transformation photo. I went from being controlled by my grueling gym regimen and weighing chicken and having protein shakes in my purse to fully enjoying a social life. Some people might say this is "letting yourself go" but you can't put a price tag on happiness. I call this finding myself and realizing I can have more than one passion in life, whether it's hiking up in Glacier Park or enjoying beers with friends. A six pack didn't make me happy. I was never enough and always needing to improve. Today I went rafting with friends and enjoyed food the old me would have drooled over and wouldn't have dared to touch. Your body is quite LITERALLY the only thing that gets you through this life, your worth and joy isn't weighed by what you can lift or what the scale says. My worth is weighed by those I surround myself with and the smile on my face. 💕 #bodylover #bodybuilder #balance #happiness #happyiskey #fitfam #formercompetitor #glaciernationalpark #gnp #middlefork #proteinislifebro #transformation #throwbackthursday #instafit #ilovepizza #montanawomen #montana

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